Thursday, 16 May 2013

Choose your emotions

The biggest lie we've ever accepted is that we are powerless to change our reactions to events around us. We can choose to get angry, to be offended or to simply let things pass. We can choose to get excited about something, to enjoy it in the moment, to be cynical or full of joy. These are all our choices, whether we know it or not. 

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Feel your emotions

But society expects us to feel a certain way, and anything else is not allowed. It's why we have a population of people so dependent on anti-depressants. To feel any way besides happy is seen as somehow wrong; a problem that must be fixed. We're not allowed to be sad or upset without being labeled with some type of psychological disorder. Anger, frustration, stress, hate, sadness, etc., are all natural human emotions that we should all be allowed to feel without social pressures not to feel that way, as if there is something wrong with feeling that way. 

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On happiness and dissatisfaction

It is not the material things that makes us happy. True happiness comes from inside. Those, who focus on their possession and the money they earn can´t be truly happy.

I think people get caught up with wanting the "next" thing. They feel they will only be happy once they get a promotion, make more money, go on a nice vacation, get a new car. As soon as they get one of those things, they feel a satisfaction at first, but then they get bored with it, the high fades and then they starting wanting the next thing. If people can't get past finding happiness externally, they will never learn how to be contented with what they have. 

It is a vicious cycle with lot of dissatisfaction in it!

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Friday, 10 May 2013

On condemning others

We condemn and judge others because their sins are different from ours.

I commit sin A, you commit sin B, yet you condemn me just because I didn't sin the kind of sin that you are comfortable with.

One thing's for sure - we're all sinners and only God shall judge.
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The Garden of Eden test

I've come to discover that most of the actions or decisions we take are often and greatly influenced by what people around us think, do or say.

Think about this, most people buy high tech phones, not because they need to perform high tech tasks, but because they want to feel hippie and be part of the culture. A girl will find it hard to say she doesn't have a boyfriend because she thinks people will say she isn't attractive enough. We find it hard to follow our passions because sometimes they might seem a bit crazy to other people.

Are we really here for other people?

Next time you find yourself in a tough decision, here's what will help you scale out of it with a sound and fulfilling choice. I call it The Garden of Eden Test .

Try to picture yourself in the garden of eden, alone or perhaps with the persons involved in the scenario (some decisions could involve other people). Then ask yourself questions like, "will I need an iphone to call my parents?", "do I need to say I have a boyfriend when I don't have any?", won't I comfortably follow my snail hunting passion!.

If your answer is yes, then do it! Follow your inner GPS and forget what people think or say, because in the end my dear, it's between you and God not you and people.
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You can't see the future, but atleast always be in motion

I have realized I can't see all there is for me in the future, but i need to let go of all my fears and follow my passion one bit at a time (no matter how slow and small).
The idea of letting go is like driving at night. Your headlights can only see the next few hundred feet in front of you. That can be enough to get you where you're going. However, you do have to have some idea of the direction you want to go. Even if it's the wrong direction, it's generally better to be in motion than not. Momentum makes the journey easier than remaining idle. You can always correct your course along the way.

That said, just because we have a passion, vision, and goal of where we want to end up doesn't mean that a yellow brick road will be conveniently be lit every step of the way. 

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Wednesday, 8 May 2013

What do Nigerians really want?

While doing some programming, as expected, I encountered some challenges on how to join two tables in oracle database. So I quickly yanked up Google Nigeria. As I typed "how to join", here's what I found.

My question is; in this context, why is illuminati and church of satan the most searched phrases in Nigeria.
Perhaps because these bodies are synonymous with wealth and fame, does it mean many Nigerians are ready to do anything just to be rich!

What amazes me most is that Nigerians want to join illuminati and church of satan even more than facebook! Oh God!

Again, Nigerians are more interested in the US Army than the Nigerian Army. What is wrong with Nigeria?

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Friday, 15 February 2013

On Goldie Harvey's death

The loss of a loved one, to me, is the most painful thing that could ever happen to anyone anywhere.
It makes the heart bleed. Nothing can ever heal it, unless for the graceful passage of time. Nothing more.
My heart goes out to her friends and family.

As I go through her facebook timeline, I realize one truth;
Everyone's facebook wall patiently awaits the day 'RIP' will be written on it.
RIP Goldie Harvey.

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Sunday, 10 February 2013

Super Eagles win the 2013 African Cup of Nations

Today, my country, Nigeria won the 2013 African Cup of Nations even after the entire nation, including me, wrote them off as underdogs and no-do-wells.

This goes to prove a point;
Determination is better than skill.

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